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Q: Why are patients not prescribed with antibiotics when they are having chicken pox?
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yes, Yeast infections do occur in the mouth and many times it is a direct result from the antibiotics the dentist prescribed the patient. However, dentist's she be aware that a patient with an oral yeast infection without having any prior use of antibiotics could have autoimmune diseases and should be referred to a M.D. Many denture patients also commonly suffer from yeast infections.

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Urethral pellets is a medication used to treat patients who have erection problems after having prostate cancer. This medication is very rarely prescribed to patients since other medications or treatment usually work better.

If you chop antibiotics up in food do they still work?

If you are having problems with swallowing tablets, ask the doctor who prescribed them if she will prescribe a liquid. Some can only be taken in whole tablet form.

Why do Marfan syndrome patients need to take antibiotics before seeing the dentist?

Because Marfan patients are at increased risk for infective endocarditis, they must take a prophylactic dose of an antibiotic before having dental work or minor surgery, as these procedures may allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

For years many doctors and dentists recommended that certain patients take an antibiotic prior to having any dental work completed including cleanings Suggest reasons why this is no longer recommend?

Antibiotics used to be given to patients who were at risk of getting infective endocarditis during invasive dental procedures. Now, NICE recommends that antibiotics are not given at all for the purpose of Prophylaxis against Infective endocarditis, since the risk of a hypersesitivity reaction from using antibiotics is higher than the risk of getting Infective endocarditis from a dental procedure.

Your grandmother is having hallucinations and is ALSO taking Aricept and Zoloft She was not having the hallucinations before her medication change?

Psych medications often have bizarre effects in older patients. This needs to be discussed with a psycho-pharmacologist or psychiatrist. Clearly you are not getting adequate answers from the physician who prescribed them.

Will a pregnancy test work properly if i am on antibiotics for a uti?

It should do because antibiotics and hormones are not the same thing. Having said that, I would leave it until you are off the antibiotics

Would antibiotics help when having the swine flu?

Not in the slightest.

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Tayo 60K is prescribed to people having Vitamin D deficiency + Thyroid deficiency.

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Depends on the chicken and who your having sex with

Is hydrocodone ever used for a coughs my vet prescribed this medication for my Pomeranian when she was having trouble with her trachea - sounded like a cough when she breathed and this was prescribed?

It is commonly prescribed for The problem you described, by Vet's