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Because of the technology that is being developed, with all of the human made marvels people tend to turn away from a religious standpoint and begin asking what can be done here and now, instead in a long drawn out process, that may not happen at all.

One view:Information today is so abundant and so readily available that people are better able to make a distinction between formalized practice (religion) and experienced faith (spirituality). Some formal religions have offered psychological and sociological benefits, but at a cost. Many formal religions also come with centuries of baggage that is hard to explain and to accept. Spirituality is a current buzz-word, and contemporary ideas of spirituality also offer some benefits, along with a cost. Very personal concepts of spirituality can sometimes lead down dangerous roads when there is too little communal and critical attention given to them. There is also the argument that the current secular/scientific mind-set is responsible for the apparent demise of religion, but if this is true, it may not be a bad thing. If one tries to base faith too soundly on the observed world, there is bound to be disillusionment. Those with a deeper faith will not be phased by the world as it happens to be. Another ViewIn my opinion, people are becoming less religious do to theories of the past that were proved false. Many theories including "the earth is flat" and "all planets revolve around the sun" were thought of after religions was created. So if a person thought up these theories that aren't correct, which most were not, then also people do no think that their religions are real either. This is just my opinion and I have nothing against any religions.
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1mo ago

Patterns of religious belief are changing due to factors such as globalization, modernization, increased access to information, and shifting values among younger generations. These changes can lead to a decline in traditional religious practices and an increase in secularism, alternative spiritual beliefs, or new religious movements. Additionally, societal trends towards individualism and pluralism can influence how people choose to practice or identify with a religion.

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11y ago
A:Education is one of the drivers of change. Better educated people are found to be more likely to become non-religious.

Some black people convert from Christianity to Islam, often because they see Christianity as the religion of white oppressors. Of course, white people sometimes also convert to Islam, just as some Muslims convert to Christianity.


To add to answer above.

Way back then, in the old days, people didn't understand a lot of things. Like why it rains, and when it storms, and earth quakes. And when something bad happened, they associated it with unknown forces. It became their religious believes and they settled for the answer that God did it and that God only knows.

Now today, Thousands of years later, the human race has studied various areas of our environment and we are now capable of giving good explanations as to why it rains in certain areas, why it storms and Earth Quakes. And many more things that the people way back then didn't even think possible. They would have disbelieved that the earth was round, and probably kill the one who made up such stories.

Today we have umbrellas, formidable houses, space travel and even things like insurance.

We still know that there is a God, but with newer information we can everytime understand God Better. With this our pattern of religious believes will change.

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