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It is hard to spot so people don't realize that they are near or even in it.

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Q: Why are people sometimes fooled by the eye of a hurricane?
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Why do people sometimes get fooled by the eye of a hurricane?

People can get tricked because the eye is hard 2 spot

What is in the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is a relatively calm area at the center of a hurricane with no rain, and sometimes clear skies.

Can the eye of hurricane be deadly?

Indirectly, yes. Sometimes, when people are in the eye of a hurricane they will go outside thinking the storm is over only to be caught in the winds on the other side.

How does it feel in the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of the hurricane is the center of calm where the winds are not strong, and sometimes provides a false sense of security. The wind and rain bands are centered outside of the eye of the hurricane.

Why are people killed because of the eye of a hurricane?

That's not true. The eye of a hurricane is very calm.

The strongest part of a hurricane is called the eye?

No, they eye of a hurricane is calm. The strongest part of a hurricane is the eyewall, a ring of heavy rain and strong winds just outside the eye.

Why may somebody in the eye of a hurricane think the hurricane has passed?

Some people believe that te hurricane has passed because inside the eye of one, the air is still and calm

Why is the eye of the tornado?

The eye of a tornado is a relatively calm area that can sometimes be found at the tornado's center, similar to the ey of a hurricane.

Where is the eye of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is at the center of the storm's rotation.

What are the band of storms lining the center of a hurricane?

The eye of a hurricane is the centre of the hurricane in which is a calmness that can fool people into believing the storm was over. Then the eye passes and the wind returned blowing in the reverse direction.

Does the eye in the hurricane have thunderstorms in it?

No. The eye of a hurricane is free of storms.

What is the sentence of eye of the storm?

The eye of the hurricane is the center of the hurricane.