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Q: Why are pesticides are used in accurate concentration?
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Related questions

What is biomagnification of pesticides?

Biomagnification of pesticides basically means that the concentration of the substance exceeds what it should be. This makes the pesticide more powerful and harmful.

Are there any antibiotics used in pesticides?

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What pesticides are used to kill insect pests?

Pesticides are used to prevent, kill and repel pests. The pesticides used to kill insects are attractants, fumigants, insecticides, pheromones and repellents.

Why are pesticides used?

Pesticides are used in order to kill insects. If insects get on some types of vegetation, it can kill it.

What are Chlorinated pesticides?

Chlorinated Pesticides are nerve agents used in agriculture as pesticides, around homes as termiticides, and in grains as fungicides.

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What is meant by the term steady state of concentration of ozone in stratosphere?

Steady state of concentration of ozone means no change in its concentration. It maintains the level to be accurate.

Why are pesticides used in corn?

I don't know the punchline to that one. So why are pesticides used in corn? I think to keep the bugs and birds away

Why should pesticides be used judiciously?


What color are pesticides?

All different colors, depending on composition and, sometimes, warning status. By the time they are diluted with water to the appropriate concentration for field use, most pesticides just look like water or milky-white water.

Can dog urine give humans pesticides?

Pesticides are used in farming to kill bugs, they arent found in dog urine.

What can be done to keep the soil usable after using pesticides?

To keep the soil usable after spraying pesticides on it, crop rotation is used.