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The original answer here was nonsense, pianos aren't only made of timber, most grand pianos are made of timber because it's a strong, and solid wood.

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Q: Why are pianos made of timber?
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The first upright pianos were made at the end of the 1700s. The most common piano of the 1800s was the upright. Please see the site below, "A Brief History of Pianos".

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Chopin Further to the previous answer, Chopin did not make pianos. The two manufacturers that Chopin most favoured were Erard and Pleyel.

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No, trees for timber are cultivated resources.

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The plural form for the singular noun piano is pianos.

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How would say the piano and electric piano are alike?

Electric pianos (aka digital pianos) are instruments that reproduce the sound made by acoustic pianos. Pianos produce their unique sound by the action of a felted hammers hitting strings of various lengths. Digital pianos replicate this sound with oscillators and speakers. Electric pianos and acoustic pianos are alike in that they have the same keyboard of 88 black and white keys, they produce a similar sound (though not identical), and they can be played in the same manner, especially if the digital piano has weighted keys and a damper pedal.