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because people that the drug is tested on the person deserves to get better.

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Q: Why are placebos sometimes not used in human trials?
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Why do researchers use placebos and double-blind designs?

Researchers use placebos to test the effectiveness of the drug on trial.

Why are placebos rarely used in human trials?

It is unethical to use placebos as every human has the right to the same chance of getting better as everyone else.That's debatable there is recent evidence to suggest that placebos are at least as effective a treatment for "self-assessed" conditions such as depression as commercial drugs, the effect is so strong that, it works even when everybody knows it's a placebo.But that's beside the point to answer the actual question - placebos are always used in human trials, they are a key part of the double-blind testing give everybody a random code (so the testers don't know who is who)you allocate different levels of the active drug randomly to each code and an inert placebo to a control group (again the testers don't know who is getting what level of the drug)regardless of the dose all the drugs look identical (so the test subjects don't know what dose they are getting and so that the people administering the drugs can't tell the testers who's getting what)This enables the test to be carried out objectively - the testers treat everybody equally and the test subjects freely discuss they symptoms they are experiencing.

Why are placebos used in experiments?

To make it a fair test.

When did the use of placebos begin?

Placebos were used throughout the nineteenth century in blind assessments of medical treatments. These blind assessments were created to test controversial medical treatments of the time

Why are animals used in drug trials?

Primarily due to the fact that test animals allow for drug trials without endangering the lives of human beings. The practice, while highly debatable in ethics, gives the manufacture an idea of what positive and negative effects may occur if human trials were done.

Why are placebos not normally used in drug tests involving patients?

Placebos are often used in drug tests involving patients.Sometimes they are not used because of the test design (comparing against other treatments) or because of the seriousness of the condition, where a complete lack of treatment would be considered unethical.

What part of speech is trials?

Traditionally, a plural noun. Sometimes, "trial" is used colloquially as a verb, meaning "to conduct a trial of", and in that instance, "trials" is the third person singular present indicative of the verb.

What is sugar pills?

sugar pills are placebos, or pills without an active ingredient mostly used for medical researh

Why do you need drug trials?

Drug trials help evaluate the safety of a drug compound in human population and its pharmacological efficacy. Drug trials also help companies identify how well the drug works for a given disease and what side effects to expect. The data extrapolated from the study is used to get FDA approval to market the drug and is used by doctors and pharmacists for medical treatments.

Should animals be used as organ donors?

Sometimes pig valves are used for human hearts. If it means a human can live longer, it is a good thing.

What is transhuman?

Transhuman is a term that is sometimes used to refer to a evolutionary transition from a human to a post human. A form between a human and the hypothetical posthuman.

What does sporting mean in the Salem witch trials?

During the era the trials occurred during, sporting was used to mean fun. In reference to the trials, it was used by the opponents of the trials to express the possiblity that bored girls were lying about afflictions to have fun.