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Q: Why are pneumatophore important to the mangrove system?
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save mangrove plants!

Why the mangrove forest Sundarban is famous for?

Its famous for its beauty and it is mangrove. Its important feature is its animals living there. The spotted deer and tigers- THE ROYAL BENGAL TIGER

What is pneumatopho?

If you are thinking of the word pneumatophore. It is a Specialized respiratory root on aquatic plants.

What is the English name of mangroves?

spider mangrove red mangrove white mangrove black mangrove

Which root system would you classify the mangrove's spreading root'srubber tree and giant tropical tree?

the root system

What are the kinds of mangrove?

There are hundreds of species of mangrove. In Florida and the Keys the most common are the red mangrove, Rhizophoraceae, the Black mangrove, Acantacae, and the White mangrove or buttonwood, Combretaceae. Mangroves grow together along the coast lines. The whole group of them is called a Mangal. The Black mangrove grows furthest out in the water and has special breathing tubes. Then come the red mangroves and on higher land the White mangroves. Mangroves are very important for protecting the coast from erosion and creating new land

What is the most important use of mangrove swamps in our country?

As we don't know what country you are in it is impossible to answer

What do the word mangrove mean?


Is a mangrove a landform?

No. A mangrove is a tree.

What are are common producers in the mangrove forest?

The mangrove apple, sargassum phyptoplankton, and mangrove blossoms