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Porcupines have those sharp spines for a reason! It's a defense mechanism and protects them from predators! they were born that way. god made them that way

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

because they pork your pine.

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Q: Why are porcupines pointy?
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Will people eat porcupines in the year 3009?

no they will not because they have pointy stuff

What do porcupines see?

porcupines see steff porcupines see steff

What is the plural possessive for porcupines?


Were porcupines introduced to Australia?

There are no porcupines in Australia, nor have there ever been porcupines in Australia.

What is the plural noun for porcupines?

"Porcupines" is already a plural noun. The singular form is porcupine. A group of porcupines is commonly referred to as a "prickle" of porcupines.

Are porcupines warmblooded?

porcupines are warm blooded

Do porcupines have teeth?

Yes, porcupines have teeth.

What is the Porcupines Phylum?

Porcupines are in the phylum chordata.

Is a plateaus pointy?

a plateaus is not pointy

Is pointy an adverb?

No, pointy is an adjective.

When do porcupines have baby porcupines?

They have them October through November , that. Is when they have them .

What are facts about the porcupines?

some interesting facts about porcupines is 1.when they are born their eyes are open a few days porcupines can climb up a tree 3.porcupines are nocturnal