


Porcupines are large, spine covered rodents that like a diet high in salt. Those in the Americas sometimes choose to live in trees, even though their distant relatives in Africa, Europe, and Asia prefer more grounded lifestyles. In the Order: rodent and Class: Rodentia, they need to gnaw constantly. Typical questions relate to the porcupine's uses of its quills, survival threats, preferred foods, interactions with people and wildlife, geographic ranges, and defensive behaviors.

741 Questions

How does cloning help the world?

Cloning has the potential to benefit the world in several ways. It can be used in agriculture to produce genetically identical crops or livestock with desirable traits, improving food production and sustainability. In medicine, cloning can be used to create stem cells for regenerative therapies, personalized medicine, and studying genetic diseases. Additionally, cloning can aid in conservation efforts by preserving endangered species and restoring ecosystems.

What fallacy about porcupines did jack understand?

Oh, dude, Jack totally thought porcupines could shoot their quills like darts when threatened. I mean, come on, it's like they're walking around with a built-in weapon, right? But nah, that's just a myth. Porcupines actually just shake their quills loose when they feel threatened, like a mic drop but with needles.

What an the animal called that only eat other animals?

An animal that only eats other animals is called a carnivore. Carnivores obtain their nutrients and energy by consuming the flesh of other animals. Examples of carnivores include lions, wolves, and hawks.

What all the animals start with k look like?

Some animals that start with the letter "K" include kangaroos (marsupial with a long tail and powerful hind legs for jumping), koalas (small, arboreal marsupials with a large nose and round ears), and kingfishers (colorful birds with a stocky build and a long, sharp bill for catching fish).

Do human and plant cells make food from sunlight?

No, only plant cells have the ability to photosynthesize and convert sunlight into food through a process called photosynthesis. Human cells do not have this capability and must obtain nutrients from consuming plants or other animals.

What do plants need order to make food?

Plants need water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to make food through the process of photosynthesis. Water is absorbed through the roots, carbon dioxide is taken in from the air through tiny pores called stomata, and sunlight is absorbed by the chlorophyll in the plant's cells to produce glucose.

Why is cell differentiation necessary as a multicellular animal develops?

Cell differentiation is necessary in multicellular animals to allow cells to become specialized for specific functions and form different tissues and organs in the organism. This specialization enables cells to perform specific roles efficiently, such as carrying out metabolic processes, responding to stimuli, and supporting structural functions. Overall, cell differentiation is essential for the development and function of complex multicellular organisms.

Why is it important to consider genetic potential of the animal in doing actual animal production?

Considering the genetic potential of an animal helps in maximizing productivity and efficiency in animal production. Animals with superior genetics are more likely to exhibit desirable traits such as faster growth rates, higher milk production, or better disease resistance, which can ultimately lead to increased profitability for the producer. Understanding genetic potential also helps in making informed breeding decisions to improve the overall quality of the herd or flock over time.

Do steel wiredrawing plants make twisted wire?

Yes, steel wiredrawing plants can produce twisted wire by combining multiple strands of wire together. Twisted wire is commonly used in applications such as fencing, industrial machinery, and construction materials due to its increased strength and durability.

How are woolly mammoths different from any other animal?

Woolly mammoths were ancient relatives of modern elephants that had long, shaggy fur to adapt to cold environments. They also had long, curved tusks and were much larger in size compared to most modern animals. Woolly mammoths went extinct around 4,000 years ago, whereas many other animals still exist today.

Why do small animals have high heartbeats?

Small animals have high heartbeats because they have higher metabolisms and need more oxygen relative to their body size. A faster heart rate allows for more efficient circulation of oxygen and nutrients to meet the high energy demands of their small bodies.

What would normally be found in a plant cell but not in an animal cell?

A plant cell would typically contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for photosynthesis, and a large central vacuole filled with cell sap. Both of these structures are unique to plant cells and are not found in animal cells.

What is called the powerhouse of a cell because it breaks down nutrients to help make the major energy source of the cell?

The mitochondria is known as the powerhouse of the cell because it is responsible for converting nutrients into adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cell's primary energy source. This process is known as cellular respiration.

What plant chemical which absorbs sunlight and helps make cell food is what?

Chlorophyll is the plant chemical that absorbs sunlight and helps in the process of photosynthesis to produce cell food in the form of glucose.

Which organelle in the plant cell would mainly help the cell take in or get rid of water?

The vacuole in a plant cell primarily helps in regulating the water content of the cell. It stores water and nutrients, and also plays a role in maintaining turgor pressure. By managing the amount of water inside the cell, the vacuole helps the cell to take in or get rid of water as needed.

How is the problem of water balance different in animal cells and plant cells?

Animal cells rely on internal mechanisms such as kidneys to regulate water balance, while plant cells rely on external factors like root uptake and transpiration to maintain water balance. Plant cells also have a cell wall that helps them withstand changes in water pressure, which is not present in animal cells.

What are the symptoms of nocturnal myoclonus?

Nocturnal myoclonus, also known as nocturnal leg cramps, are characterized by sudden, involuntary contractions of leg muscles during sleep. Symptoms include intense pain, muscle tightening, and visible lumps or knots in the affected muscle. The cramps usually occur in the calf muscles and can lead to disrupted sleep.

What do scientist believe is in the middle of Saturn?

The outer layer of Saturn is primarily composed of molecular hydrogen. This changes as you go inward as pressure increases. As you venture deeper where the pressure reaches 100,000 bars, the gas starts to resemble a hot liquid. When the hydrogen reaches a pressure of 1,000,000 bar, hydrogen changes into a new state of metallic hydrogen. In this state it resembles a molten metal. This metalic hydrogen state occurs at about half of Saturn's radius. Below this is a layer dominated by ice where "ice" denotes a soupy liquid mixture of water, methane, and ammonia under high temperatures and pressures. Finally at the center is a rocky or rocky-ice core.