

Why are potatoes evil?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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well you see long ago human and potatos ruled the galaxy together but then the potatos got greedy and tried to destroy everything in a desperate at human rabbits and ducks launched a galaxy wide assault on the potatos there was so much destruction that the only inhabitable planet left was earth and we all had to put aside our differences and live in harmony but now human eat potato's and fry them. everyday the potato's numbers grow soon they will attack and this time rabbits and ducks may not be able to save us so prepare for the other day I was attacked by a potato ninja squad the signs are clear they are coming... and they are angry

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Kennebec is a variety of potatoes. Ex. Spunta potatoes, Rooster potatoes, Folva potatoes, Kennebec potatoes, etc

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Potatoes are a good source of potassium. The vegetable is not called "potassium potatoes," but white potatoes, Idaho potatoes, Yukon gold potatoes, new potatoes, red potatoes, and so forth.

Were potatoes ever evil?

yes potatos were evil But they still are so be carful if you have some in your cuboard they are planning how to destroy us and rule earth... at the supermarkets where there are many might attack at any time they want to mash us and turn us into chips and the evil potato leader will work the eart lucky for us we ahve ducks and they will protect us so will rabbits

What is the possessive form of potatoes?

The possessive form of the plural noun potatoes is potatoes'.Example: The potatoes' weight is twenty two pounds.

What characterizes Russian Potatoes from Jamaican Potatoes?

Russcan Potatoes

What is an example sentence using the word potatoes?

"Add the potatoes to the boiling water." The chef projected. Potatoes grow out of the ground, you often have to dig a bit to reach them. Potatoes are a starchy food.

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What are radiating potatoes?

EXPLOSIVE, RADIOACTIVE potatoes warning do not eat potatoes

Do potatoes have potatoes?

Potatoes have "eyes" that produce new potatoes. The person growing them cut the potato with the eye and plant them.

Why are potatoes potatoey?

Potatoes are potatoey because they are potatoes which therefore makes them potatoey. Potatoes that are more potatoey makes them more potatoey then potatoes that are less potatoey. Potatoey potatoes are not potatoey are not potatoey because they arr not potatoey enough to be potatoes. Potatoes are potatoey because potatoes are potatoey which makes them potatoey. Dr. Simon French Fry

Where are b potatoes from?

'B' is a classification of the size of potatoes grading system. So "B potatoes" are from everywhere potatoes are grown.