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Q: Why are predators less likely to eat ants that live in a acacia tree?
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What is the symbiosis relationship between ants and the acacia tree?

They have a mutual relationship. At the base of the thorns of the acacia tree there are hollow lumps which the ants can turn into a hive. When animals, such as giraffes, start to eat the soft acacia leaves it vibrates the stems and the ants come out and attack the intruder annoying the giraffe so much that it stops eating at the acacia and moves on to find a less irritable meal. The tree then repays the ants by giving off a sweet nectar that the ants use to feed to there larvae. The ants also patrol down and around the base of the acacia and not eat but chew and destroy any other alien saplings growing in the vicinity of the acacia (not using a single bit of the destroyed plant). It is almost as if the ants know they are helping the acacia dominate and get as much water as possible.

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Maggots thrive in the dark because there less likely to be killed by predators like birds etc.

Why are ants less active in nightime?

Ant activity varies depending on the variety of ant. Some ants are less active at night when the temperatures drop. However, some ants, such as carpenter ants, are active primarily in the evenings.

How does camouflage aid in the evolutionary?

An organism that can camouflage itself is less likely to be eaten by predators, and thus have more offspring/pass on its DNA.

Why are giraffes in captivity?

they are kept in captivity so that they can be away from predators ans so that they are less likely to become extinct as they can be involved in reeding programmes

What is the difference between boy and girl ants?

There is no difference but I think the girl ants weigh a fraction less

Why does the rabbit move to its burrow at night?

On the contrary : rabbit moves to its burrow during the day and goes out at night when he's less likely to be seen by predators.

How are termites and ants similar?

Termites are actually more similar to cockroaches than ants. However, termites and ants may seem similar due to their body structure and antennae. Ants are less destructive than termites.

Why are acacia trees have small leaves in the desert?

The leaves on acacia trees are small to help reduce the loss of water from the tree. The relatively small surface area of the leaf means that less water is lost as opposed to if the leaf was large. This is very important because acacia trees usually grow is dry climates.

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Female koalas give birth within the safety of a gum tree's branches, where they are less likely to be attacked by predators during this vulnerable time.

Why do some animals have white stripes?

Many animals have evolved to be stripy in order to be camouflaged to their environment. This means they will be less visible to predators and more likely to live long lives.