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because certain drugs affect certain neurotransmitters. the major groups of neurotransmitters affected by the most abused recreational drugs are gaba, dopamine, seroatonin, and nor epinephrine. Granted within each group there are hundreds of subtypes of neurotransmitters (i.e. 5HT1, 5HT2, etc... in the serotonin category). Also, in the opioid category there is theta, kappa, and mu.

Also, some drugs work by stimulating ur brain to make more of a certain neurotransmitter, while others block the receptor cite so one's natural output of neurotransmitters collect bc they have no where to go.

for example alcohol, benzos (xanax, klonopin, Ativan, lorazepam, temazepam, valium), and GHB (one of the "date rape" drugs all affect Gaba. Alcohol and benzo addicts can actually die and have seizures if they suddenly quit cold turkey without tapering.

also, opiate addicts, who quit, will usually experience PAWS - post acute withdrawal symptoms, in the form of depression, not in the boo-hoo crying type, but rather the lack of motivation, I don't care to move or do anything type of depression, which is from a lack of dopamine. therefore, when addiction psychiatrists prescribe SSRI antidepressants, it is usually illogical since the depression is from a lack of dopamine and not serotonin. (a simple example)


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