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Q: Why are red bellied woodpeckers called that?
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Do red bellied woodpeckers use nesting boxes?

no. i have them they will not use them

What are diffent kinds of woodpeckers?

Pileated, Downy, Hairy, red headed, red bellied, cockaded, acorn

What is the population on Red bellied woodpeckers in CA?

The red bellied woodpecker is eastern species, not found in California. A similar species, the gila woodpecker, is found in the extreme southeast corner of the state.

How many Red-Bellied Woodpeckers live in Tennessee?

A common bird in the southeast, there has to be thousands at least in Tennessee.

Who is red bellied woodpeckers relatives?

Red headed, Lewis', acorn, Gila, golden fronted, and any woodpecker in subfamily Melanerpes.

What are the other bird relatives that are related to the Gila Woodpecker?

Acorn, red bellied, golden fronted, red headed, Lewis' woodpeckers.

Are toucans and woodpeckers relatives?

No their not i think! ---------------------------- Actually they are somewhat related to woodpeckers, both are in the same order: piciformes, and the same suborder: pici

How did the red bellied woodpecker get its name?

If you get a look at the front of one you will see that his belly is reddish,not as red as the area on his head, but they already had a red headed woodpecker.

What is special about woodpeckers tongue?

They have such along touage thatvit raps around their brain and down their Nostrills and our their mouth although Not all woodpeckers are like this the red bellied woodpecker is the main one that is like this

Do woodpeckers live in Ohio?

Yes, there are 7 species of woodpeckers that are commonly seen in Ohio state. Below are the details, 1.Pileated woodpecker 2.Red-headed Woodpecker 3.Downy woodpecker 4.Red-bellied woodpecker 5.Yellow-bellied sapsucker 6.Northern flicker 7.Red-Cockaded Woodpecker 8.Black-backed woodpecker

Are woodpeckers in Florida?

Yes, many species. The pileated, red headed, red bellied, downy, hairy, and flicker, and red cockaded are year round residents, and the yellow bellied sapsucker is a winter visitor..The rare ivory billed may also reside there as well.

What is the golden back woodpecker?

It's the golden fronted woodpecker. A woodpecker of the genus Melanerpes, related to red headed, red bellied and gila woodpeckers.