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Religious people aren't stupid. Who even wrote this question? There's so much bias in this question.

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Q: Why are religious people stupid?
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An aetheist would call them stupid, be we call them MARTYRS

What do you call religious people in general?

Stupid. if they believe in something they cannot see, they are stupid. In that case, all humans are stupid because they believe in things they cannot see (molecules, viruses, love, logic, numbers etc.)

Are religious people more intelligent than non-religious people?

Answer: Statistically the less religious a person is the more intelligent that person tends to be. Does that mean that all religious people are stupid? Of course not. Does it even mean that religious people are stupid in general? That would depend on your perspective. Answer:I respect those who are religious but where's the proof of God existing? Where's the proof of heaven or hell? And yes there was a man called Jesus but how could some one rise after death ? and how come no one else has since ? and how could some one commit miracles out of league IMPOSSIBLE. i think religion is a scam of making money Christians are scared of death therefore keep the *story* going. Apparently Jesus created the *holy bible* , although every one knows his *disciples did*. I really think religion is very stupid . Yes religious people are dim-witted. Thanks and keep nasty comments to your self Answer: Religious is not a synonym for stupid. There are stupid people in all walks of life. There are also people who are intolerant, and people who make statements without having any clue what they're talking about. (For example, Christians do NOT believe Jesus created the Bible, as the above poster seems to think they do.) "Statistically the less religious a person is..." Whose statistics? What religion? The majority of the world's religions seem to agree that we should not go around killing others, and we should seek to help the less fortunate. There's nothing stupid about that. Extremists and zealots are problematical, but being a religious fanatic does not cause stupidity anymore than being fanatically anti-religious does.

Why do some people disagree with religious clothes?

because they are stupid. religious people can wear whatever they want. its there type of fashion. TRUE!!!AnswerSome people disagree with religous clothes because they are irreligous, while some religous people disagree with them because of spiritual pride ["I'm humbler than you are!"]

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people are stupid because they have no brain cells.

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That's a stupid question why are people white That's a stupid question why are people white That's a stupid question why are people white

Why do religious believers think performance enhancing drugs are wrong?

its very logical...only blind people cant see that drugs and other stupid things destroy your life.

Why was the Ottoman Empire and important place for Muslim scholars and religious leaders?

Because he is stupid