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Because renewable sources can be replenished


because we will not run out of them

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Cullen Fay

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Q: Why are renewable source of energy a better option than nonrenewable resource?
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For a while, yes. Long term, no. It is a non-renewable resource, and so we have to switch over to alternative energy sources.

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Coal is a nonrenewable resource, while pine trees are a renewable resource. As sources of energy, the difference between coal and pine trees is that coal is a nonrenewable resource, while pine trees are a renewable resource.

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Is the energy from the sun a renewable or non-renewable resource?

The sun's energy is nonrenewable. Because if it explodes it can not be replaced in a human's lifetime (about 80 yrs).

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A renewable resource is one which will be replaced after it is used. Wind energy is renewable because the wind will return tomorrow. Trees are renewable if you plant them again. So, fruit trees are a renewable resource.

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Renewable. They keep reproducing at a rapid rate. Nonrenewable would be a dinosaur since they are extinct and no longer reproduce.

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