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Mainly because they are hunted for their horns, which are used in traditional Eastern "medicine" and can bring the poacher a lot of money. There is some ornamental use of the horn as well.

Rhinos are endangered because people have been hunting them for many of years. Poaching them just to sell their horns. They actually call the Black Rhinos' horn "black gold" because its so expensive.

Additional Information: Rhinos are endangered because of various things. Rhinos prefer shade and because we are cutting down the trees in the Savannah, we are wiping out their source of sleep. Pollution due to people is also endangering these animals because of toxic waste and pesticides left on the ground, and grass that the Rhinos eat.

Unlike most large mammals, habitat loss hasn't been a large factor in the decline of rhinos. Actualy, poaching for their horn has shrunk rhino populations.
Because we've killed them all.
people hunt them for their horn, which is thought in many places to have medicinal properties. although this is not true, they are still killed because a horn can be sold for a lot of money to people that still think it works. The feet are sometimes hollowed out, dried, and used as "decorative waste baskets" and the tail is chopped of and used as a fly swatter and sold to tourists or locals. the rest of the body will all go to waste and rot
rhinos are endangered due to deforestation and poachers hunting for their horns
Poachers are killing them for their valuable horns used for making medicines, decorative pieces, piano keys and more. The Black Rhinos are an endangered species because at the time when their was plenty of rhinos everyone just kept on killing them until they hardly found anymore around (There are about 3600 rhinos left on planet earth)
because people hunt them down and kill them so they can make stuff with their skin
If you mean, why are rhino's endangered, then it is because poachers kill them for their horn because it is made out of ivory.

To kill a rhino is an offence and you will be put into jail and prosecuted.

There are large reserves in Africa, that look after white and black rhinos, trying to stop poachers from killing them and to try and breed them, so they aren't as endangered.

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6y ago
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11y ago

Rhinos are endangered animals because there are very few of them left due to many things, like habitat loss. The main reason is poachers. Poachers hunt and kill animals like rhinos and elephants for things like horns, tusks, and animal-hide (skin). Hunting rhinos and elephants is actually illegal, if caught doing it you WILL go to jail (or worse).

The Black Rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis), was listed by the Fish and Wildlife Service Endangered Species, as an endangered species in July 1980. It has been listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2001, and may have already lost one subspecies (Diceros bicornis longipes). A recent study of, and surveys into the West African Black Rhinoceros status, failed to find any evidence of the subspecies in Cameroon. It is suspected that due to the continued political unrest, and instability of the region, that poachers have had free rein of the area. Hence, they may have removed the last of this subspecies of Black Rhinoceros from the wild. The poachers are mainly after the rhino horn. The value of a "couple of horns", which is the small and the large horn together, can run more than $50,000 when illegally selling for use in "Traditional Chinese Medicine". It is believed to be used for anything from the treatment of high fever, rendering poisons ineffective, to an aphrodisiac. It is even used as a carving material, such as for ornate bowls, cups, and daggers, called "jambia". Efforts are being made to destroy all the "old or legal" rhino horn that is stockpiled, in order to make it impossible to mix poached material with "old or legal" rhino horn, and sell it as "legal". For more information or details, please see the sites listed below.

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13y ago

Rhinos are mostly killed for their horns that never grow back

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14y ago

because people come to get the rhinos horns then in the process they have to destroy the habitat to get to them

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13y ago

Rhinoceroses are primarily endangered due to poaching for their ivory, although habitat loss is also having a negative impact.

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10y ago

They are endangered due to poachers, who kill them for their horn.

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15y ago

The main reason is poaching for the horn, which is used in quack Chinese medicines.

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