

Best Answer

1. to scare you

2. it has to do with the way gravity works, when you come down at a high speed you are generating enough force to go around the loops and truns.

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Q: Why are roller coaster cars carried up very high at the start?
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What force causes riders to feel heavy and weightless on a roller coaster?

Um, well, since roller coasters are powered by gravity, I'd have to say it dictates just about every aspect of the design, such as length, speed, g-force, etc.

How do newtons three laws apply to a rollercoaster?

The First Law of motion is: An object at rest remains at rest, and an object in motion tends to remain in motion. The roller coaster does not move at first until hauled to the top of an incline. The roller then accelerates and remains in motion for several rises and falls, slowed and then accelerated again by gravity, but losing energy only to friction with the track and the air. Once this momentum is used up, it again has to be pulled to the top of an incline, and start down again. To control its speed, and at the end, brakes have to be used to slow it down. Additionally, riders in the car will experience an apparent increase or decrease in their body weight at the top and bottom of inclines. Their forward momentum will push them down in their seats at the bottom, but as they crest each hill, their bodies will attempt to continue upward, out of the seats. For this reason, a restraining bar is necessary. The second law is: The acceleration of an object depends on the mass of the object and the amount of force applied. When a roller coaster goes down a steep hill, gravity makes the roller coaster speed up, and going up a hill, it slows down. The higher the incline, the greater its acceleration and the greater its speed becomes by the time it reaches the bottom. The third law is: Whenever one object exerts a force on a second object the second object exerts an equal and opposite force on the first. Since a roller coaster is on a ramp, the ramp has to support the weight of the roller coaster, especially when it turns it back up against gravity at the bottom of each incline. The rollers on each car also prevent the cars from leaving the track on turns, by exerting a controlling force using the sides and upper half of the track.

Is one way that friction is useful?

stopping cars Friction is useful to start a fire with sticks.

What will happen if friction disappeared?

If friction vanishes suddenly then,Movement on the ground will be impossiblewriting,typing, etc will be also not possible.wind will uproot the tree and plantsa body won't be able to change its direction and state of motion until an external force is applied on it.

How does wind speed effect cars?

Wind speed may affect cars, effect change to aspects of cars or have an effect upon cars but, to say that wind speed effects cars is most likely a typo. I recommend changing the question.

Related questions

Where is the kinetic energy the highest on a roller coaster?

The cars of a roller coaster reach their maximum kinetic energy when at the bottom of their path.

What keeps the cars down on a roller coaster?


Where is mechanical energy on a roller coaster?

Mechanical energy is used on the chains that pull the roller coaster cars up the tallest incline, which is typically located at the start of the track. Mechanical energy is also used in the braking system that slows the cars to a stop at the end of the track.

What make roller coaster cars go up?

A chain.

What do the cars in Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 weigh in KG?


What keeps people in the cars on a roller coaster?

Restraints and centrifugal force.

Is a roller coaster ride faster than a car?

Some roller coaster rides can go faster than the average speed of cars. The fastest roller coaster ride in the world is the Formula Rossa in the UAE. It goes 149 mph.

What is the force that pulls the cars downward on a roller coaster?


How do you save the design of a custom built roller coaster in roller coaster tycoon 3?

To save a roller coaster design simply select your roller coaster with your cusor and open the detials icon located to the right of the roller coaster cars design, now click the save ride icon and it will be saved. But make sure you name the ride before doing this other wise it may be saved as somthing you dont want. To delete the roller coaster go into the rct3 folder you created when you installed the game open the folder and go on coasters and simply delete the roller coaster you dont want. This is a great game, have fun playing it.

Do roller coaster engineers have a civil or mechanical engineering degree?

That will depend on which part of the roller coaster you're talking about. The moving parts (the cars and the driving mechanisms etc) will be designed by a mechanical engineer. The structure of the roller coaster itself (the towers and trackway and the foundations on which it stands) will be designed by a civil engineer.

How long do you have to go to school to be a roller coaster designer?

any school in which you can major in strucual (layout of coaster) or mechanical (cars and such) enginering.

What is fundamentals principal that all roller coaster are based on?

There is a few principals that are looked at when building a roller coaster. Some principals that are looked at are what keep coaster cars flying around on their tracks, the tolls that keeps everything running and the forces that make the ride fun.