

Why are seismic waves mechanical waves?

Updated: 11/5/2022
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10y ago

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A mechanical wave(such as sound) must pass through a medium while an electromagnetic wave does not need one(such as light). Because seismic waves need a medium, they are mechanical waves. That is also the reason we hear earthquakes. When the vibrations from the focus of the earthquake spread in all directions, the sound vibrates from the earth to the air and then to our eardrums.

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Angela Veum

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Q: Why are seismic waves mechanical waves?
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Is a seismic wave the same as a radio wave?

No. Seismic waves are mechanical. Radio waves are electromagnetic.

How are sound waves and seismic waves alike?

they're mechanical waves

Can Seismic waves travel through space?

No, seismic waves cannot travel through space because they are mechanical waves that require a medium, like solid, liquid, or gas, to propagate. In the vacuum of space, there is no medium for seismic waves to travel through.

What is an example mechanical waves?

Ocean waves, seismic waves, and sound waves are some examples.

What is an mechanical wave?

Ocean waves, seismic waves, and sound waves are some examples.

Is a sound wave mechanical or electromagnetic?

Seismic waves are mechanical waves.

What is a wave of energy released from an earthquake?

A wave of energy released from an earthquake is called a seismic wave. Seismic waves can be classified into body waves, which travel through the Earth's interior, and surface waves, which travel along the Earth's surface. These waves are responsible for causing the ground shaking and damage associated with earthquakes.

What are the examples mechanical waves?

Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves, water waves, and seismic waves. These waves require a medium, such as air, water, or solid material, to propagate energy.

Can mechanical waves traves through empty space?

No, mechanical waves require a medium (such as air, water, or solids) to travel through. In empty space, there is no medium for mechanical waves to propagate, so they cannot travel through vacuum. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

What are mechanical waves produced by?

Mechanical waves are produced by the vibration of particles in a medium. This vibration causes the particles to transfer energy to neighboring particles, creating a wave that propagates through the medium. Examples of mechanical waves include sound waves and seismic waves.

What are all mechanical waves?

Mechanical waves are waves that require a medium to travel through, such as water waves, sound waves in air, and seismic waves in the Earth's crust. These waves transfer energy through the oscillation of particles in the medium.

What waves are mechanical?

Mechanical wave needs a medium to travel. Examples :- Sound Wave, Seismic Wave etc.