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Q: Why are shell structures so strong?
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What Makes the Egg Shell so Strong?

the shell shape makes it strong.

What are the differences between frame and shell structures?

Shell structures are enclosed and hollow in the middle e.g. a snail shell or a house. Frame structures are open on the sides e.g. a tree or the Eiffel tower.

Are chairs shell solid or frame structures?

chairs are shell/solid structures because it is a solid and can be considered a frame

What are shell structures examples?

Shell structures have solid surfaces. They are hollow and there shape is often curved.Eg: Eggs, helmets, conch shell etc.Some of the examples of shell structures are storage tanks (water, oil, gas), domed roofs, and pressure vessels.

Can you give examples of shell structures?

It depends... CAN I????? Yeah, the sydney opera house and snail shell.

How strong is a coconut's shell?

as thick as this question

What are some famous shell structures?

The taj mahal in India

Are turtles shell structures?

they might be either shells or solids

What does shell structure mean?

Shell structures predominantly resist loads on them by direct compression. That is without bending or flexure. Since most materials are more effective in compression than in bending, shell structures result in lesser thickness than flat structures. Please also see the related question below.

What is an n1 shell in science?

a shell for science is strong and hollow inside the object

What are some defense structures on a lady bug?

it's hard shell

What are examples of man made shell structures?

A Coke Can A Plane A Helmet