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Q: Why are similarities in body structure used to group organisms?
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How does similarities in body structure support evolution?

it shows how they evolve into another

What is the term for a structure that has no use in organisms?

Vestigial StructureA vestigial structure is a structure that appears to no longer have a use in the body.

What is the method of classifying organisms based on their phylogeny?

A system of classifying organisms based on their phylogeny is called Binomial Nomenclature.In binomial nomenclature, organisms are put into groups based on their body structure similarities to other organisms. Then those groups are broken down into smaller subgroups. Each organism gets a scientific name based on the two smallest groups it belongs to (genus & species).Ex. An elephant's scientific name is Loxodonta Africana. Loxodonta is the genus group. Africana is the species groupPhylogeny: an organism's internal and external structural similarities to other organisms.(Relating one organism to another based on their inside and outside body structures.)

What are 3 structural similarities shared be all living things?

They all have a body structure.

What is the study of similaities and differences in the body structure of organisms?

The answer is Comparative Anatomy

What is the anatomy study of?

Typically, the science of the structure and parts of organisms.

How are extinct organisms related to other extinct organisms as well as living organisms?

By the way they look, (their bone structure, body weight) and DNA too.

What anatomy mean?

The study of the human body in respect to all its parts and their relationships to each other. It can aswell be defined as the scientific study of the structural parts of the human body or living being.

The fundamental likeness of body structure in all vertebrates indicates that these organisms probably originate from?

The body structure in all vertebrates indicated that these organisms originated from Precambrian times. This has to due with having a back bone.

What do a group of organisms make up?

A group of organ systems make up a living body or organisms. The systems are made from organs, which are made from tissues, which are made from cells.

What are the similarities and differences between a shark and a whale?

There are many similarities and differences between a shark and a whale. The similarities is that have a similar streamlined body structure but the differences are many including sharks are fish while whales are mammals, sharks have a vertical tail structure while whales have a horizontal one among others.

Organisms are grouped into a five-kingdom classification system based on their structure and?

Organisms are grouped into a five-kingdom classification system based on their structure and characteristics such as cell type (prokaryotic or eukaryotic), mode of nutrition (autotrophic or heterotrophic), and body organization. The five kingdoms are Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia. Each kingdom represents a different group of organisms with unique traits and evolutionary relationships.