

Why are skunks so cute?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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12y ago

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errr... skunks are cute? -_-

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Q: Why are skunks so cute?
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Are eastern spotted skunks good with kids?

Yes they are, they are the best. They are so cute!

Are skunks similar to house pets?

Any wild animal for the most part can be tame or be altered somehow that they can be domesticated. Skunks can be house pets. If they werent so stinky Id say they were so darn cute.

Do striped skunks hibernate?

I think that skunks do but I'm not sure about cute, little chipmunks.

Are skunks cute?

You should really have your own opinion as to whether or not skunks are cute, personally i don't think they are, but it is simply up to you. Like the other guy said, it's your own opinion. But in my opinion, skunks are one of the cutest animals. All they are, are fluffy,cute, black and white squirrels who just happen to have a very stinky self defence.

How did Brian lean that skunks were neither cute nor funny in Hatchet?

Brian learned that skunks were neither cute nor funny in "Hatchet" when he encountered one for the first time and got sprayed, experiencing their foul odor firsthand. The unpleasant encounter helped him understand that skunks were not to be underestimated or treated lightly.

Why are so many skunks out?

The baby skunks have fouled the nest.

Do skunks have pouches?

No. Skunks are placental mammals, not marsupials, so they do not have pouches.

Why do skunks spay gas?

When the predator comes too close, the skunk sprays a foul smelling gas (which is really stored up urine) at them so they can't stand the smell and run away. So really, they spray to protect themselves. They can spray about 16 feet away. SKUNKS ARE NOT CUDDLY TOYS!!! THEY ARE EXTREMELY CUTE, BUT STAY AWAY!!!!!

Do deer eat skunks?

Deer are herbivores, meaning they only eat plants. Skunks are animals, not plants. So deer do not eat skunks.

Do skunks climb and will they use a cat door?

yes skunks climb and they do get through cat doors so watch out!

What does striped skunks eat?

Some striped skunks eat rattlesnakes and plants so they are considered omnivores

What eats striped skunks?

Some striped skunks eat rattlesnakes and plants so they are considered omnivores