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Simple answer: small dog = small bladder They just can NOT "hold it" as long.

More complicated answers:

1. Some people are just not as diligent with housebreaking a small dog. Reason is because if full-grown a Chihuahua has an accident it's easy to clean; if a full-grown German Shepherd has an accident it's a huge mess!

2. People are more likely to "paper train" smaller dogs first...this makes full housebreaking take longer.

3. People are more likely to"spoil" a smaller dog vs. a larger dog.

4. Some people (idiots really) don't have a clue how to housebreak ANY dog .... they use "old fashioned"methods like hitting or "rubbing the nose in the mess".This does NOT housebreak a dog!! It only makes them afraid so that they hide somewhere in the house when they have to "go".... and a small dog can more easily "hide" a mess than a big dog.

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