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Because it is made from a man-made compound commonly known as "soft", or Do2t, 2 parts downy, 1 part teddy bear.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

because they are made from trees with needles such as ever greens and pines

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Q: Why are softwoods called softwoods?
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How can softwoods be coloured?

Softwoods can be coloured by staining.

How many softwoods are there?

there are 2453 types of softwoods lollypop

Types Of Softwoods?

Any wood from trees that do not have deciduous leaves is called 'soft' wood. Conversely, any wood from trees that do not have needles is a 'hard' wood.

What is wood classified into?

Wood is classified as either softwood or hardwood.The evergreen trees, such as pine, are called softwoods. The hardwoods are the deciduous trees, the ones that lose their leaves in the winter.In spite of their names, not all softwoods are soft and not all hardwoods are hard!

What tree is softwoods made from?

Softwoods are from needle-leaf trees like pines and firs. Hardwoods are from broadleaf trees.

What is the name of a softwood leaf?

they're called leaves, but some softwoods, such as psuedotsuga menziesii often have their leaves refereed to as needles.

Why are broadleaf trees referred to hardwoods?

HARDWOOD: They usually have broad leaves, plus their trees have closed/hidden seeds! Lastly, hardwood is also water-resistant, especially when compared to softwoods. SOFTWOODS: They are less water-resistant. Plus, they have what are called β€˜naked seed plants. Softwoods species are also much less common than hardwood species (hardwood are almost 100 times more varied)!

What kind of tree that produce paper?


What are the two types of wood?

its hardwoods and softwoods

Do hardwoods burn quicker than softwoods?


How well do softwoods absorb water?

it absorb 6.7

What are the hardwood properties?

What are the propertiesof Hardwoods? Hardwoods are deciduous and loose their leaves in winter. They are harder than softwoods except Balsa wood. They are a Broadleaved trees which belong to the 'Angiospermae' or flowering plant such as fruits or seeds. They are usually found in more temperate zones. They are generally more durable than softwoods and have a wider range of colour than softwoods. They are more expensive than softwoods and are used for veneers on products, for furniture, for flooring and utensils.