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Q: Why are solar cells used to generate electricity on spacecraft?
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Why do spacecraft use solar cells to generate electricity rather than burning coal?

Burning coal releases harmful gases and it may have some bad effects in space. Solar power is more efficient

What are solar cells solar voltaic cells used for?

There used for to collect heat off of the sun to generate electricity.;)

What are solar cells or solar voltaic cells used for?

There used for to collect heat off of the sun to generate electricity.;)

Do solar cells help generate electricity?

Yes, they can be found in solar panels which obsord the sun for energy which can create both electricity and heat.

Why are lead wires used to generate electricity?

Sorry, leads do not generate electricity. Leads are just the wires that connect the parts of a circuit together.Generators, alternators, batteries, solar cells, fuel cells, friction electrostatic machines, and thunderstorms generate electricity.

What can solar power generate?

solar power can generate electricity

Do solar cells hurt the environment or make it better?

If you mean by helping us use less fossil fuels, yes. Solar Cells generate electricity from solar energy released by the sun.

Does solar power generate electricity?

yes it does

How does solar generate electicity?

Solar generates electricity by eating tacos.

What are solar electric panles?

Solar electricity panels are systems that capture the sun's energy using photovoltaic (PV) cells. The cells convert the sunlight into electricity, which can be used to run household appliances and lighting. PV cells don't need direct sunlight to work - you can still generate some electricity on a cloudy day.

Could a solar powered spacecraft generate any electricity while passing through earths umbral shadow?

No; "umbra" means "shadow" and solar cells don't work in the shadows. That's why solar powered spacecraft also have batteries to keep them going until they are back in the sunlight. Depending on the altitude and their orbits, they may only be in the shadows for a few minutes, possibly only a few minutes for a few times per day or week.

Why are solar cells used?

Solar cells and panels generate clean renewable electricity energy from the sun. This reduces our dependence on fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas), the burning of which is adding to global warming.