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Plastic bags can be made of different polymer types such as:

High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

Medium-Density Polyethylene (MDPE)

Low-Density Polyethylene (LDPE)

Linear low-density polyethylene

Higher density polyethylene polymers have stronger cross-links for linking large chains to another which is usually how plastic bags are able to stretch more and can hold heavier objects. Hence being stronger.

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12y ago
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9y ago

Some polythene bags are stronger than others due to the composition. Some bags have higher percentages of stronger chemicals for example.

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12y ago

no because biodegradable means it can be broken down by plants and nature

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10y ago

because of its elasticity

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What is polythen used for?

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Polythene is the commonly used plastic in the US and UK. It is used to manufacture packaging such as plastic bags, geomembranes, bottles, and containers.

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Yes polythene can be used to make clothes

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Polythene is used in (plastic) bags but I don't Know what it's used for around the home sorry mate. Type your answer here...

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we should discourage the use of polythene bags as they are not biodegradable and thus cause pollution..

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The main one is plastic bags

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Hefty sandwich bags are made up of polythene.

Why Indian government banned the use of polythene bags?

So that India is more safer from pollution as most of the people are unaware of the harm caused when polythene bags r disposed.