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the wings are curved because it helps them to glide over the ground ( 1 centimeter) to look for bugs and then swoop and eat them without loosing any speed.

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12y ago

some birds can fly better when their wings are bent depending on how the bird flies or even what they eat.

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Q: Why are some birds wings bent and some are strait?
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some birds fly and some birds don't but have wings, the wings balance them so they wont fall so i suggest '''wings and feet or feet''' wings and feet cause others can fly and feet cause other don't like chicken and others hope i help :)

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No. Some flightless birds such as the kiwi have very small, rudimentary wings. Other flightless birds such as the ostrich have larger wings, but they are still small and quite useless for flight.

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All birds have some sort of wings.

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Most birds use their wings for flight. Some of the flightless birds, or birds which do not fly much, may use their wings just for balance, especially when perching (e.g. chickens). For some flightless birds such as the kiwi, their wings appear to be without purpose.

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There is no bird that does not have wings. All birds, even flightless ones, have wings, though they may be too small to see.

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Feathers are the only adaptation that all birds have. Birds have wings. They are the only vertebrates that do have wings, even though in some birds they are non-functional. However, they are not the only living creatures to have wings, as many insects do as well. Thee are some adaptations that are not found in all species of birds, but which are unique to birds. Flighted birds have light weight hollow bones developed for flight, but this is not found in all birds. Some birds have complex adaptation of the larynx which allows high speed complex bird calls to be created, but again, this is not found in all birds.

Why can bees fly when some birds can't?

Because:1. They evolved that way2. Some birds have no need for flight3. Bees have wings

Why does some birds have bigger wings than other birds?

They have bigger bodies and need more power to fly.

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Some wings have eye like patterns that look like a bigger predator.

What are the main 5 differences between birds?

Some can fly some can not Some can swim some can not Birds beaks are of different shapes Birds Wings are of different shapes Birds legs and feet are of different shapes Birds come in different sizes Some birds hunt prey on the wing