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Q: Why are some materials good heat conductors?
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What are some materials that are good conductors?

metals like iron and copper These are good conductors of both heat and electricity.

What materials heat up faster?

Materials that heat-up faster are known as conductors. Silver, Copper, Gold and Aluminium are some conductors that have the ability to transfer heat.

What are some conductors for heat?

All metals are good conductors of heat.

Why some of the materials are insulators?

They are bad conductors ,they do not allow heat transfer.

What substances would be good conductors of heat?

Substances with high thermal conductivity are generally good conductors of heat. Some examples include metals such as copper, aluminum, and silver. Additionally, materials like diamond and graphite also exhibit high thermal conductivity.

Is it true that nonmetals are good conductors of heat and electricity?

Some nonmetallic materials are good conductors, graphite being an example. In this form, it is considered a semi-metal for that reason. Normally, however, nonmetals are not good electrical conductors.

Is a heat conductor a material with a high melting point?

A heat conductor is a material that readily transports heat from one location to another through the process of conduction. Some materials with high melting points are actually good insulators and very poor heat conductors, whole some materials with low melting points may be good conductors.

What metals have thermal conductivity?

ALL metals are pretty good conductors of heat. Some, like gold, are very good conductors of heat.

What are some good conductors and bad ones?

Good Electrical conductors: All metals, ionic substances (in solution or molten form) Bad Electrical conductors: Water Good Heat conductors: All Metals Bad Heat Conductors: Water

Metals are conductors of heat and electricity?

Yes, but some metals are better conductors than others.

Materials through which heat can flow easily are called?

A conductor easily Transmits heat and electricity. A conductor can include: Copper, some metals, metalloids, and more. ! - The Silver Fox.

What is the ability called when heat or electricity passes through?

Conductor Some materials are conductors of Heat OR Electricity. But the property is not the same for one material; example glass is a good conductor of heat but a poor conductor of electricity.