

Why are some men so hairy?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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12y ago

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God created men to be hairy

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Q: Why are some men so hairy?
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Do women like hairy men?

Some do, some don't. Everyone's taste is different.

Are most Arab men hairy?

some are some are not

Do women like men without body hair?

Some women like such men. Also some women like hairy men. So it depends.

Do women prefer men shaved or hairy?

Hair implies manliness or more sexual power. Smooth may be prettier to look at, but hairy delivers. It is going to be personal preference. As you say a hairy penis delivers, I would feel very sexless if I had no hairs ON my penis, not just round it, having no hairs on it would be just as bad as having no pubic hair at all, that is why I find it so strange that some men shave 'down there' I could NEVER do that, having a hairy penis to me is just as important as having head hair.

Why are most hairy men bald?

not all hairy men are bald That is correct, but I have noticed that men older than 30 who are really hairy on their chests and arms, tend to thin out on head, so by the time they are 40 many are bald on top, something to do with genes in them. Many men who have won hairy chest competitions are completely bald on the head. I have never entered a hairy chest competition, I do have a hairy chest, but not thick enough to win a competition, but I do have still at 66 years of age a reasonable amount of hair on top of my head, thinner, but still a lot, I am not bald.

Are hairy men attractive?

Hairy men can be attractive to the right person. Some people look beyond the physical appearance of a person. Some people are attracted to the inside of a person, to the kind of person they are and not how they look.

What can you do if you are really hairy?

There is only one option: embrace your hairiness. Many men who are hairy find that they are more comfortable being hairy the older they get; many men don't mind being hairy once they meet a partner who is into hairy men (there are lots of people out there who like hairy men); many men feel more self-confident if they work out and develop pronounced muscles, which makes being hairy feel more comfortable. Find a solution along these lines, because in all honesty you have better things to do than shave large portions of your body every day.

How much body hair does a typical man have?

Apart from pubic, armpit, and facial hair, which almost all men have, most (but not all) men have hairy legs to some extent, hairy forearms to some extent, and at least some hair on their chests (between the pectoral muscles or around the nipples). Now, many men have much less hair than this--and some have much, much more. All of these men are normal.

Are hairy men the missing link?

No. He's not :|

What did mountain men look like?

It depends on the weather if it was cold on top of the mountain then they would hire strong hairy men for the job or if it was just plain grassy mountains they would be fairly hairy and not all that super strong so hope i helped:)

Should men shave their overly hairy legs?

It basically depends on the individual. Some women like hairy or even excessively hairy men while some women like the feel of a smooth body. It's more of a personal preference for men and women. Don't do something because someone else will like you better. If you grow hair or shave it, do it because it's your preference not someone else's.Here are some opinions"No; hairy legs are actually quite sexy in men, even "overly" hairy legs.I have had hairy legs since I was 13 or 14, but I have never shaved or waxed them ever, I heard recently of a guy who for no apparent reason shaved his legs, now he had no reason to do that as he is not a professional or club cyclist or swimmer. The result from all his friends including his wife was,"what made you do that" he was laughed and sniggered at by everyone, his wife was so annoyed I think she refused him you know what. No way should a man shave his legs other than for some sporting reason.

Who does sergio like?

sergio likes hairy men