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This type of research requires that cells are taken from an embryo. Some people are opposed to stem cell research because they think it is unethical.

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Q: Why are some people opposed to stem cell research?
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Which group oppose embryonic stem cell research?

Anti-abortionists, the religious right, the Catholic Church, some Republicans and others who are generally opposed to scientific research

What are some ethical issues involvingstem cell research?

some retards think that removing growth cells from an embryo is murder even though it has no consciousness and is not classified as 'alive'.

Why is there such a controversy on stem cell therapy?

The controversy isn't over stem cell therapy, it is over embrionic stem cell therapy. Stem cell therapy usually refers to stem cells extracted from the patients own body. Embrionic stem cells are extracted from dead fetuses. Those opposed to embrionic stem cell therapies are worried that it will lead to 'fetus farms', where eggs are fertilized until a fetus is formed, then the fetus is killed to harvest the stem cells. It is an offshoot of the abortion controversy in which the pro-life side largely believes that life begins at conception (egg fertilization). The controversy around stem cell therapy lies in the research in embryonic stem cells. Some people believe that the start of the embryonic stage is when a human being begins and is therefore unethical to destroy this for the stem cells as it is supposedly akin to murder.

Name 5 organelles of an eukaryotic cell?

As opposed to prokaryotes, eukaryotes have a clearly definable nucleus to store DNA. Obviously, the organelles present vary from cell to cell, depending hugely on each cell's function. Mitochondria are usually found, as are ribosomes(which are bigger than those in prokaryotes). Some cells will have other features: chloroplasts are found in some plant cells, and vacuoles may be present too.

Is it true all cells have a cell membrane?

Yes all cells have cell membranes no not all some people have a no cell membrane disease and it is better not to talk to them if not you might be infected No

Related questions

Why are some peole opposed to stem cell research?

I don't understand why anyone would be opposed to it. It could be the greatest medical progress in history and people are opposed to it? Idiots.

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Which group oppose embryonic stem cell research?

Anti-abortionists, the religious right, the Catholic Church, some Republicans and others who are generally opposed to scientific research

Is stem cell research a safe idea?

If you ask ten people this question you will get ten different answers on the subject. This is a very controversial area. There is much information to be found on stem cell research. Depending on which resource that you use some say that it is safe and some are totally against it. It seems that people are either totally for it (think its safe) or people are totally against it (not safe).

How does stem cell research give people hope?

Because with stem cells, scientists can make identical copies of the owner of the stem cell. A bit like twins. It brings back people who some one loves or remains s a memory.

What are some reasons for stem cell research?

so we can look cool :p

Is stem cell research still advancing or has it been stopped?

Stem cell research is still advancing with the help of the publics donations and time. They are doing some great work, but the funding is the hardest part.

What would you say to some that supports embryonic stem cells?

Using embryonic stem cells is unethical for many people, especially if they were only created for stem cell research.

What did some people do to try to end slavery?

people who opposed slavery worked to abolish it or end it

Are gays and lesbians in favor of stem embryos cells?

It all depends on the person themselves. Something like being in favor stem embryos cell research is a personal decision someone has to make themselves. There are gay people in favor of it and there are gay people who are against it. Compare it to the belief in the Christian God, some gay people believe in God some do not, some gay people are Muslim, Jewish, some are Agnostic ,some are Atheist and some believe in some other kind of gods that i haven't said above. So your religious belief is a decision you have to make yourself and so is being in favor or against stem embryos cell research.

What did people think about the Nazi party?

some people liked it, so they joined it, others did not like it and opposed it.

How will stem cell research be funded?

Right now most of the stem cells research is funded by government agency i.e, NIH (National Institute of Health). There are strict guild lines that a researcher or a research group must follow to be eligible for the funding. Stem cell research is a big political issue right now and according to some scientists stem cell research is very fragile area but promising area to mankind.