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Because of the Sun.

Yes that's right. The heat from the Sun would make the gas giants unstable

over a long period of time.

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Q: Why are some planets gassy and others not?
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How Are The Planets Oranized?

well genuis, there are the "rocky planets" and the "gassy planets"

Is the planets gassy or rocky?


What are the gassy planets?

They are made mostly of hydrogen and helium.

Explain how the inner planets are different from the outer planets?

Inner planets small and rocky. Outer planets big and gassy.

What are the gassy planets made of?

They are made mostly of hydrogen and helium.

What is the blue gassy planet?

Uranus and Neptune are bluish gas planets.

What are gassy planets made of?

Gases? lol And pulled in gravitational debrit

What are all the all gasy planets?

gassy planets are made of gas that is stuck together by gravity. Also the answer is in the question.

Are the inner planets rocky or gassy?

The inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) are rocky. It is the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) that are gas planets.

What are some similarities and differences between the eruptions of less gassy and more gassy magma?

more gassy=explosion less gassy=ooze

What type of planet have lots of moons?

Jupiter and Saturn are the two gassy planets with lots of moons.

How have you learned about these planets and their rings?

yes the rings are full of gassy rocks which orbit around the planet