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To attract the public's attention

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Q: Why are some words written in bold?
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why are some letters written in bold?

to attract the readers attention

Which word typed bold in quran?

In some Mushafs, (Quran) all the names of Allah swt is written in bold.

What are some words that begin with the leader b that describe a leader?

bold, brave

What has the author R Bold written?

R. Bold has written: 'The security of small state'

What has the author L Bold written?

L. Bold has written: 'The best artworks 2005'

What is a name that means bold?

I don't know a name that means bold but here are some words that have the same meaning/definition as bold: *heroic *valiant *unafraid *fearless *daring Hope this helps!

What rhyme with sold?

* bold * cold * fold * gold * hold * mold * old * told

What are some positive words beginning with letter B?

bold brainy beautiful brave brilliant

What has the author Harold C Bold written?

Harold C. Bold has written: 'Morphology of plants' 'The plant kingdom'

What has the author Benjamin Bold written?

Benjamin Bold has written: 'Famous problems of mathematics' -- subject(s): Famous problems, Geometry

What has the author Edward Bold written?

Edward Bold has written: 'The merchants' and mariners' Africa guide' -- subject(s): Coastwise navigation

How do you remove the bold letter type?

you click the BOLD B but first highlight the words you want to unbold and then click the BOLD B