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Because sublimation and deposition doesn't change the chemical nature of the molecule.

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Rubye Mante

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Q: Why are sublimation and deposition are classified as physical changes?
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Related questions

What is it called when a solid changes directly into a gas?

It is called sublimation.

What is the name of the process in which a solid changes directly into a gas?

The name of the process in which a solid changes directly into a gas is called sublimation.

What are three physical changes?

when a physical change happens the substance is not chemically change only its state of matter has changedMelting, Freezing, Deposition, Sublimation, Condensationand Evaporation

Give you an examples of sublimation in science?

The opposite of sublimation, where a solid changes to a gas is called deposition, NOT SUBLIMATION! Hope that clears it up :).

Which state of matter is not part of the process of sublimation?

Sublimation and Deposition are phases changes that are between gases and solids. This leaves the intermediate step of liquid not part of the process. Sublimation- Solid to Gas Deposition- Gas to Solid

What is the process of sublimtion?

The process in which a solid directly changes into vapours without getting into liquid phase is termed sublimation and such solids are termed sublime solids. Example: nephthalene, solid carbondioxide, iodine, etc.

What is the change of state from solid to a gas called?

If a gas changes into a solid, without becoming a liquid first, it goes through deposition.

What are the six changes of state?

Melting, Freezing, Deposition, Sublimation, Evaporation, Condensation. These are the six changes of state in science. :D By: Lola251999jbse

What are the six different phase changes?

Melting, Freezing, Condensation, Evaporation, and Sublimation.

Why are change of state physical changes?

The identity of the property does not change so the physical properties change but not the chemical

What is the phase change in which a substance changes directly from a gas to a solid?

A phase change directly from a gas to a solid is called deposition.

Is sublimation a physical change or physical property?

Sublimation is the physical change of a solid to a gas skipping the step of becoming a liquid. This is a physical change because you haven't changed the chemical nature of the substance. Think of when you take ice out of the freezer and you see "smoke" coming off of it. That is sublimation. The rapid change in temp caused the solid ice to skip its liquid stage and go straight to its gaseous stage