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magnify things. Such as a microscope.

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Q: Why are telescope lenses used?
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magnify glass
Related questions

What are the lenses called in a reflector telescope?

The lenses used in reflector telescope is the concave lens.

Who invented the telescope lenses?

Lenses had been known for some time before the telescope was invented. No one really specifically "invented" the telescope lens, they simply used existing equipment (lenses) in a new device (the telescope).

What type of lens used in telescope?

Most telescopes use refractor lenses. Sometime a telescope will use reflector lenses.

What uses two lenses and two mirrors?

On eyeglasses? Two lenses = bifocals Three lenses = Trofocals

What machine uses lenses?

A telescope uses lenses...

What is a catadioprtic telescope?

It is a telescope that uses lenses and mirrors.

What type of telescope uses lenses or mirror to gather and focus energy?

the reflecting telescope uses mirrors and lenses. The refracting telescope does not include the mirrors.

What telescope using lenses to make an image?

The reflecting telescope

What type of lens are used in telescope?

i do not know and i don't really care no ifence

What is a tube shaped instrument with lenses used to observed objects in space called?

A telescope

What type of telescope uses lenses or mirrors to gather focus light energy?

the reflecting telescope uses mirrors and lenses. The refracting telescope does not include the mirrors.

What kind of lenses did Galileo used to build the first telescope?

galileo used glass with a layer of plastic.