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Reasons why the Baiji Dolphins are being killed:

The Yangtze river Dolphin is the most endangered species on the planet and almost extinct.

  • Unsustainable fishing and mass shipping. China industrialised and transformed the Yangtze into a crowded artery of mass shipping, fishing and power generation.
  • Indiscriminate and illegal fishing practices. The Chinese would use large nets, then hit long pipes to confuse the Dolphins radar and gaff them into their boats. Dolphins are extremely human like in thought and useful not only to the American Navy, but to children with disabilities yet China did not see these Dolphins as much importance (having stripped it of its sacred status in Chinese culture during Mao's Great Leap Forward) until the 70's.
  • Pollution and degradation of its habitat.
  • Low employment in the 1980s - 1990s caused a rise in unskilled fishing.

The Chinese government worked with scientists and many others trying to save the Dolphins but it was probably too late, and the last confirmed sighting was in 2004.

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Q: Why are the Baiji Dolphins being killed?
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How long do baiji dolphins live for?

Estimated 24 years in the wild

What do baiji eat?

Baiji eat small fish such as: shrimp, catfish, and other small creatures.

Are Yangtze dolphins endangered?

The Yangtse dolphin, also known as the "Baiji" is functionally extinct.

What are 2 endangered dolphins?

The endangered dolphins' species are: the Indus River dolphin and the Baiji also known as the Yangtze River dolphin.

What dolphins live in rivers?

1) The Boto 2) The Baiji 3) The Ganges 4) The Indus

How many baiji dolphins are left in the world?

The Baiji was a freshwater dolphin found in the Yangtze River in China. No confirmed sighting have been reported since 2004 and it is thought to be extinct.

Why are dolphins being killed for commercial purposes?

People eat them.

Which dolphins are most targeted by dolphin killers?

Bottlenose dolphin. The most endangered dophin is the Baiji or Chinese white dolphin

Why are so many dolphins being killed?

there are a lot of reasons why dolphins are being killed like litter, people mistaking them for sharks,and just for there skins.