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Q: Why are the Parthenon sculptures sometimes called the elgin marbles?
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What is a marbles competition called?

One marbles competition is called the National Marbles Tournament.

What is the main part of the Parthenon's column called?

The main part of the Parthenon's column is called the shaft.

What is a Parthenon temple?

the Parthenon is actually only one,located on the acropolis holly was a temple dedicated to goddess Athens.there are though quite a few temples in Greece looking similar to the Parthenon

Why are marbles called marbles when they are not made from marble?

because ages ago they used to use marbles instead of glass balls.

What road was Parthenon on?

The Parthenon is not on a road; it is a temple on top of a hill called the Akropolis in the city of Athens.

Is Parthenon a sedimentary rock?

The Parthenon is an ancient temple on the Acropolis of Athens, Greece. Dedicated to the goddess Athena. Never heard of a rock called 'parthenon'.

What means hail?

Ice balls that fall from cumulonimbus clouds. They vary in size from roughly marbles to softballs and are frozen hard as rocks. Ice balls that fall from cumulonimbus clouds that are smaller than marbles are called sleet and sometimes can be slushy.

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What features made the Parthenon one of the mos beautiful temples?

Parthenon was built on a long rectangular platform. There were 8 columns across both the front and the back, and 17 along each side. The roof was slanted, creating triangles, called pediments, at the front and back of the building. Above the columns was a band of sculptures called a frieze (freez). The sculptures themselves are called metopes (MEH-tuh-pees). The temple had a magnificent statue of Athena that stood 30 feet high. Made of wood, the statue was covered with ivory to make it more lifelike. Then it was dressed in clothes and decorated with gold. Like the temple itself, the statue expressed both the Greeks' love of beauty and their awe of the gods.

What is the temple called in athens greece?


What was the central temple on the Acropolis called?

the Parthenon

What was the Greek temple for Athena called?
