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Because most of the time the religious people just say they are being prosecuted because of their religious beliefs, and the law lets them off

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Q: Why are the crimes of Christianity not being prosecuted as it is fraud to lie to children and then take their money?
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In general, it must be a crime that financially damages the corporation. Other crimes, he'd only be being prosecuted for what he did as a citizen. For instance, a director might find himself prosecuted for personal malfeasance, like embezzlement or blatant conflict of interest violations, or participating in some racketeering type scandal or fraud. As to crimes that the corporation itself may have committed, it is rare that a director would be personally prosecuted for the corporation's actions. That is one of the reasons people incorporate, after all. There have been some cases of the wholesale prosecution of an entire board, but these are rare things involving some historical examples of "trust busting" or over-zealous enforcement of anti-trust laws.

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Why did Mormons immigrate?

They moved to Utah because they were being prosecuted by people. People today say they were being prosecuted for polygamy, the real reason they were being prosecuted and started moving to Utah was the governor was worried he would lose the upcoming elections because he and the Mormons didn't get like each other.There were so many Mormons that weren't going to vote for him that he got rid of them.He passed laws making Mormonism illegal and prosecuted them. So they moved to Utah. However Mormons were polygamists at the time, they gave that practice up long ago.

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religious...they wanted to escape from the church, and to escape from being prosecuted for what they believe in