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Q: Why are the different layers of the earth arranged the way they are What caused this?
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What caused earth layers as it cools?

The difference in composition is what caused the Earth to develop layers as it cooled.!Differences in density caused earth to develop layers as it cooled.The earth has different layers because as it formed, the lighter parts (like continental crust) floated to the surface, and the really heavy parts (like iron and nickel in the core) sank to the middle.

What caused earth develop layers as it cooled?

The difference in composition is what caused the Earth to develop layers as it cooled.!Differences in density caused earth to develop layers as it cooled.The earth has different layers because as it formed, the lighter parts (like continental crust) floated to the surface, and the really heavy parts (like iron and nickel in the core) sank to the middle.

What caused earth to develop its layers cool?

The difference in composition is what caused the Earth to develop layers as it cooled.!Differences in density caused earth to develop layers as it cooled.The earth has different layers because as it formed, the lighter parts (like continental crust) floated to the surface, and the really heavy parts (like iron and nickel in the core) sank to the middle.

What caused earth to develope layers as cooled?

The difference in composition is what caused the Earth to develop layers as it cooled.!Differences in density caused earth to develop layers as it cooled.The earth has different layers because as it formed, the lighter parts (like continental crust) floated to the surface, and the really heavy parts (like iron and nickel in the core) sank to the middle.

What caused earth to develope layers as it cools?

The difference in composition is what caused the Earth to develop layers as it cooled.!Differences in density caused earth to develop layers as it cooled.The earth has different layers because as it formed, the lighter parts (like continental crust) floated to the surface, and the really heavy parts (like iron and nickel in the core) sank to the middle.

How does earthquake waves determine the different layers of the earth?

how earthquakes helped in determining the different layers of earth

Why do earthquakes have more power in certain areas on earth?

earthquakes are caused by the movements of the disorganized layers deep below the surface of the earth. in some places the layers are evenly arranged whereas in some other places they overlap many others. the magnitude of the earthquake depends on the complexity in rearrangement of those layers. of course, sometimes they are also caused by external factors like, explosions caused by nuclear testing, etc; but in general internal rearrangements influence the scale of earthquakes.

How can you tell the earth has different layers using seismic data?

the earth is in solid and liquid form thus penetration is different tha:t account for the different earth layers.

Technology used to find out the different layers of the earth?

The technology used to find out the different layers of the earth is referred to as sonar technology. This is the method that geologists use to find details about the layers of the earth.

What is an earth model?

A model of the Earth, which probably focuses on the different layers of the Earth.

How are the layers of the earth different from one another?

Because there different kind of layers and they each are totally different from each other!