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Q: Why are the different methods of putting out a fire work?
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Can water help fire stay lit?

no, fire does not work well with water and the water can only be used to exstinguish the fire.

What are the components of a work measurement system?

A work measurement system has three components: preferred methods, time values, and reporting.

How would you respond to a fire at work?

yell! FIRE FIRE! depends on the size if you can put it out, do it, if not get help! accidents happened, just don't ignore the problem! :)

Different organs work together as?

When different organs work together, they work together as a system.

Is not putting another roll of tissue in the bathroom lazy?

Generally, not putting on another roll of bathroom tissue is considered lazy. However, there are scenarios where such behavior may be considered acceptable such as, there is not another roll in the accessible area, you're in the middle of a very good television program, you're late for work or a date, your pants are on fire, someone is screaming because their pants are on fire, you're at the house of a person you really don't like, or your Uncle Larry who you really don't like was just in the middle of a very good television program when he realized that he was late for work stands up to quickly and the friction from his overweight butt and the couch causes his pants to catch fire. If this isn't the case, you should probably take the time to put on another roll of bathroom tissue when you use the last of it. =D

Related questions

What are the common cause of fire in the work place?

Putting foil or a utensil in the microwave

How do you singe when you knit?

Probably very carefully, since putting knitted materials close to fire could result in the work catching fire.

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Try putting it on a different diet. If that doesn't work, take him to the vet

What is work hygiene promoters?

promote, implement the health and converts unhygienic into hygiene by different methods.

What is fire sensei's password?

i dont know try putting card jitsu fire it might work if not dont blame me peeps hope i helped

What is installing and running programs?

installing a program is putting the files of the program in different directories to make it work on the computer. running a program is having the program work and not just putting it on the computer.

How do you work the water in ''crab question's'' in club penguin?

keep on putting the seeds on all different thing in there

What makes radiation vary different from the other two methods of heat transfer?

The other two methods both need physical material to work, but radiation doesn't.

What are the two methods the boys use to get ralph out of his hiding spot?

The boys light the forest on fire to force Ralph out of his hiding spot, and they also use spears and try to flush him out by spreading out and attacking him from different sides.

Methods and Procedures of electrical wiring?

All professional electrical work should be done by a licensed electrician due to risk of fire. The methods and procedures of electrical wiring is a part of training and testing that a professional is required to complete.

Will ps3 rapid fire controller work with socom 4?

no because it has something different.

What is important about Team work in fire rescue service?

Teamwork in a Fire Rescue service, is important. This is because if he/she didn't know the role they played then they could be putting someones life in danger. Also ONE Fire Fighter can't tackle a fire on his own, he needs a team to help him.