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With Napoleans dogs (secret army/police) the animals see Napolean with authority and power over them.

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Q: Why are the dogs necessary for Napoleon?
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Who represents Stalin's Blood Purges in the book animal farm?

The dogs that are under Napoleon's control.

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Sheep and dogs serve to advance the dictatorial ambition of Napoleon Animal Farm

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He uses his 9 dogs

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What did Napoleon fear is it cats or dogs?

He was scared of dogs. when he was little, he got bit by one and never got over it.

Why does napoleon take Jessie and bluebells puppies?

to turn them into his body guards and enforcers ,and to use them as scare tactics

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Napoleon's rival that just wants to help the other farm animals. Napoleon drives him out with his dogs.

In what chapter does napoleon let his gods chase out snowball?

napoleon doesn't have any gods--he has guard dogs. and i dont remember the chapter but it is near the middle of the book

Who does guard dogs represent in animal farm the book?

Napoleon's dogs represent Stalin's security force.

How are the dogs napoleons servants on Animal Farm?

The dogs obey every command made by Napoleon. They also work as his army/ body guards.

Who took Jessie's and Bluebell's pups to educate them?

Napoleon; the pups grew up to be his guard dogs. They would attack on his command, and would always follow Napoleon around.