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Number of protons.

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Q: Why are the elements ordered as they are in the period table?
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How are the elements organized into the periiodic table?

Elements are ordered by atomic number.

What is a period in the table?

A period in a table is a horizontal row that runs across the table, typically containing data or information related to a specific category or item. Periods help organize the data in a structured manner for easy analysis and comparison.

What is a period on the table of elements?

A period on the periodic table refers to a row of elements that are arranged in order of increasing atomic number. Each period starts a new row and represents the number of electron shells an element has.

Are elements are ordered by their atomic number on the periodic table?


What the period ic table is?

A period is the horizontal row on the Periodic Table of the Elements

How many elements make up period 6 in the periodic table?

Period 6 of the periodic table consists of 32 elements.

What is the horizontal column of elements called?

periodsThere are seven periods, or rows, on the periodic table.

How many elements are there in the third period of the periodic table?

There are 8 elements in the third period of periodic table. The elements belong to group-1,2,13,14,15,16,17 and 18

Row of elements in the periodic table?

the rows of elements on the preiodic table are called the period. the period tells you the number of electron shells

How did Dmitri Menedeleyev arrange elements on his first periodic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev arranged elements on his first periodic table by increasing atomic mass and grouping elements with similar properties together. He left gaps for missing elements and predicted the properties of these undiscovered elements based on their position in the table.

How many elements in the original period table of elements?


Which characteristics both generally decrease When the elements in period 3 on the periodic table are considered it order from left to right?

As you move from left to right across period 3 on the periodic table, the atomic radius, metallic character, and reactivity generally decrease. This is because the increasing number of protons in the nucleus leads to stronger attraction for the electrons, resulting in a smaller atomic size and less metallic behavior.