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Q: Why are the large stones at Stonehenge called sarsen?
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Is the Stonehenge sculpture made out of natural materials?

Stonehenge is made from sarsen and bluestones. Bluestones was regarded as magical stones and forms the inner circle of Stonehenge. The sarsen stones are the very large ones on the outside of the circle. See the link below for more information.

How many stones does Stonhenge have?

Stonehenge is made up of an estimated 80-82 stones, consisting of large Sarsen stones, smaller Bluestones, and other stones in various formations.

What is a large boulder used in ancient monuments?

Sarsen stones

Describe the general structure of Stonehenge?

Stonehenge is a monument that is made out of large stones. There is a circle of stones in Stonehenge, with several stones laying on top of the vertical stones.

What is another word for large boulder?

Do you want two words e.g Huge Rock, or a word to describe a large boulder? Then i may be able to answer:) One possible word would be Sarsen, a large stone used in the construction of ancient monuments such as Stonehenge.

What is the texture of the Stonehenge?

The stones at Stonehenge have a rough, weathered texture due to their age and exposure to the elements. Many of the stones are also worn smooth in certain areas from people touching them over the years.

What ability of early man are archaeological discoveries at Stonehenge and Easter Island remarkable examples of?

Well - move heavy stones is the obvious answer, but in the case of Stonehenge also to apply quite extraordinary buildong and surveying skill - Transport large stones over considerable distances and then erect them using only, allegedly, primitive tools.

What is the the for circle shape located in England dates back to prehistoric times large stones?

stone henge

Large boulder used in ancient monuments?

times crossword - sarsen

Why have people throughout history used rocks for tools and building materials?

Very simple it was there to be used. Sometimes they had to move or quarry stones to the site. Stonehenge is a perfect example of people moving large stones to a location.

How hard was it to build Stonehenge?

There were three major challenges involved in the building of stonehenge... 1) Selecting and shaping the 'right' stones. 2) Transporting the stones to the Salisbury plain (some came from south Wales). 3) Erecting the stones to acheive the desired monument.

What is name of large boulder often used in ancient monuments?

lime stone. sarsen