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Because they are the main characters.

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Q: Why are the main characters in the book twilight important?
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What are the Main Characters in the book Twilight?

Bella and Edward Rabies13

Who are the main characters Twilight?

In the movie Twilight, Bella, Edward, and James are the main characters. It also depends on if you want the book answer or the movie answer. The book is very diffrent.

Is the Twilight series for children?

NO! in the last book the two main characters have sex!

How do you know that they are the main characters in twilight?

You can tell Edward Cullen, Isabella Swan, and Jacob Black are the 3 main characters because when you read the books they are the most important!

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What are the characters in Twilight?

Bella Cullen and Edward are the main characters.

What are the main characters trying to do in the book twilight?

Well there are a lot of main characters in the book twilight!But if you are talking about the "good guys" then...They are trying to keep Bella safe from the "bad guys " ( aka James and Victoria )who want to , basically feed on Bella.Well in the end it really comes down to keeping Bella safe!

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Help with book review of Twilight?

the twilight book series is so amazing it has comedy, love, interesting moments you would LOVE and it has the characters or the main characters as i should say EDWARD and BELLA they are soooo great together

What picture is on the front of the book in twilight?

for some, it's a pale hand holding an apple, for others it's a picture of the main characters.

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I would say that the main chatacters in the book are Hiarm Emmett Grandpa Dad R.C. Naomi? ummm yeah i think that would be the most important and main characters