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Q: Why are the muscles of the arm described as antagonistic?
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Are the muscles of a chickens wing antagonistic?

The muscles of a chickens wing are antagonistic. Antagonistic muscles are the ones that oppose a specific type of movement.

Why are the biceps and triceps called an antagonistic par?

Because they work opposite of each other. They are both muscles in the arm, yet work, they work opposing sides of the arm. The dictionary says this about Antagonistic: acting in opposition; opposing, especially mutually.

Antagonistic pairs what does it mean?

which two pairs of muscles are antagonistic pairs?

Why can you bend your arms?

When you bend your arm your brain send signals to your arm muscles telling the biceps, your upper arm muscles, to contract, go taut or stretch, while telling your triceps, lower arm muscles, to relax, become less tense or ease. Both of these muscles act as an antagonistic pair and work together to bend the arm. Each muscle uses the bones in your arm, the Humerus, the ulna and the radius, as an anchor.MonkeyLover-Dinda

Muscles that work in pairs are called what?

they are called antagonistic muscles.

What does one muscle do while the other one relaxes?

contracts - for antagonistic muscle pairs e.g. muscles in arm (when one relaxes, other contracts, and vice versa)

What is the name given to a muscles that work in a pair?

Antigonistic Pairs- The meaning of an antagonistic pair is only one muscle can work at a time. For Example: Biceps and Triceps (in your arm)

Bending the arm what the muscles are doing?

The Bicep muscle (one on top) is contracting The Tricep muscle (one below) if relaxing The Bicep and Tricep muscles are antagonistic- they work as opposites, so when one contracts, the other relaxes.

What sports would antagonistic muscles be used in?


What is the difference of agnostic and antagonistic muscles?

Agnostic is if you do not believe in god and it is suppose to do with religion. antagonistic muscles is a muscle in your body and it is to do with P.E. Religion and P.E are not exactly the same thing!

Muscle that work in opposite pairs are called?

antagonistic muscles

What structures work in antagonistic to move bones?

Skeletal Muscles