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Q: Why are the scales of measurement important?
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using scales and instruments

What measurement scales is related to naming and classifying?

The nominal scale.

What are scales?

scales are 3 things1. Measurement Item2. Little Shiny things on an animal3.It is like a coat of armor for a fish

How does the moment magnitude and Richter scales of earthquake measurement are similar and how they are different?

the answer is qotes

What are two types of measurements?

Types of measurement scales include industrial scales, bathroom scales, and kitchen scales. Each is designed to weight different size objects at varying degrees of accuracy.

What type of chart displays a column and line chart using different scales of measurement?


What is the unit of measurement of hotness and coldness?

The measurement used for hotness and coldness are degrees. There are two scales used Fahrenheit (F) and Celsius (C) with a little ball to the right of the measurement.

What is nominal level of measurement?

Nominal level of measurement is defined as the level of measurement that classifies variables by assigning names or categories that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. It was often called qualitative scales, and measurements made on qualitative scales were called qualitative data. Examples are gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, genre, style, biological species, and form.

What is the meaning of degrees celcius?

Celsius - is a scale for the measurement of temperature. Other temperature scales are... Fahrenheit and Kelvin.