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There are not 29 days in a leap year. There are 366 days in a leap year. There are 29 days in February of a leap year to make up for the fact that there is about 365.25 days in a year, not 365, meaning an extra day needs to be added every 4 years.

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Q: Why are there 29 days in leap year in brief?
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How many days does February have?

In a non-leap year February has 28 and in a leap year it has 29 days A non-leap year is like 2009,2010,2011,2013,2014,2015 A leap year is 2008, 2012, 2016 (every 4 years)

How many days are there in the shortest month in a leap year?

29 days, as there are 29 days in February in a leap year.

29 D in F ina L Y?

29 days in feburary in a leap year 29 days in feburary in a leap year

How many days does March have in a leap year?

March has 31 days every year, and does not change in a leap year. February is the only month that changes, adding the 366th leap day as February 29.

29d in f in a l y?

29=Days in February in a Leap Year 29=Days in February in a Leap Year

How many days were in February in 2004?

2004 was a leap year, so there were 29 days.

How many days does February have in a leap year?

February has 29 days in a leap year == February has 29 days during a leap year for the Gregorian calender instead of the regular 28. Every year that is divisible by four is a leap year. 2008/4 502 Leap year 2009/4 502.25 No leap year.

How many days were in February 1944?

29 days are in February 1944 because it was a leap year

If it is a leap year how many days will be in February?

On leap years February has 29 days.

How many days does a leap day have?

February has 28 days in a normal year and 29 days in a Leap Year.

How many days are in February of a leap year?

there would be 29 days

How many days were in February in 1988?

It was a leap year so there were 29 days.