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Q: Why are there more producers than consumers in any stable ecosystem?
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A stable pond ecosystem would not contain?

consumers without producers

What can you conclude about a ecosystem with many trophic levels?

it is a stable ecosystem

Why would there be less consumers than producers in a pond ecosystem?

Becuase the comsumers would starve if there were more of them then producers

What ecosystem might have a pyramid of numbers where there are less producers than consumers?

If the producers happen to be large trees, they can be small in number but still have a large biomass, therefore allowing them to support a community of more consumers.

What is the bottom layer of a pyramid that represents ecosystem producers and its top layers represent consumers called?

The bottom layer of pyramid that represents ecosystem producers is the ecological pyramids. The top layers represent consumers. In the energy pyramid the bottom levels have more energy than the top levels.

Is it true that consumers always outnumber producers?

no. there are more producers than consumers...........

Do consumers outnumber producers on earth?

False . There are far more consumers than producers.

Are primary consumers or secondary consumers the largest part of the ecosystem?

The largest parts of an ecosystem is the primary consumers. The ecosystem could hold more of a body size of primary consumers as opposed to secondary consumers.

What animals in the ocean are producers?

In a marine ecosystem, algae are the producers. Algae are producers because they make their own food through the process of photosynthesis just like green plants. Consumers are the other types of organisms in this ecosystem.

What determines how many producers can exist?

The food chain. The primary consumer eats the producer, and the secondary consumer eats the primary consumer. Well, If there is a large amount of secondary consumers, then that means that they'll eat all of the primary consumers. With very little primary consumers, then that means that more producers exist. It all depends on the ecosystem, and the food chain or food web within that ecosystem. I hope this helped!

Why is the pyramid of biomass in the English channel inverted?

The inverted biomass pyramid is where the weight of the producers is less than the weight of the consumers. The inverted pyramid is more prevalent in aquatic ecosystems, as in such an environment, the biomass depends on the reproductive ability and the lifespan of the species. The best example is the pond ecosystem, where the mass of the producers of the ecosystem, which are generally the phytoplanktons is always less than the mass of the consumers in the ecosystem, which are generally fish and other insects.

What trophic level contains the greatest biomass in most ecosystems?

More individuals, less energy, more producers, or fewer carnivores?ANSWER: more individuals because there are more types of omnivores and carnivores(who feed off of primary consumers) than there are herbivores (who feed off of primary producers)