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Not really it depends on the person's persona and preference.

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Q: Why are there more short haired dogs than long haired dogs?
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Are long haired dogs better for allergies than short hair?

No, actually, short haired breeds, such as the Chihuahua, are a better choice for somebody with allergies. Long haired dog breeds, such as the Pomeranian or the St. Bernard, shed more hair more frequently, which will create more of a problem to some one allergic.

Do wiener dogs have dandruff?

Yes. Wiener dogs are more naturally prone to dandruff.

Do long hair hamsters bite?

No more than short haired. It depends on the individual.

Why do ticks live on dogs?

they do not only live on dogs. They can live in many other short or long haired animal. Dogs would be the most commong for us since dogs is probably the closest and most owned animal so that is why we see it more in dogs than

How heavily do pit bulls shed?

They shed but not badly since they are short-haired dogs. If it's a pit bull mix, it may shed more if it was mixed with a longer haired dog. Pit bulls are awesome dogs!

Which sheds less a Smooth Coat Chihuahua or A Long Coat Chihuahua?

The Short (Smooth) haired Chihuahua would shed less fur, the long haired would need more grooming suggesting that the long haired would shed more (there's more hair)

Are short hair dachshunds more hyper than long hair dachshunds?

Yes, They are believed to be so, Since shorter haired doxies have lest hair,they don't get hot as fast as long haired,so naturally they run around more. For example my doxie is very hyper compared to her brother who's a long hair.Hope it helped!

Do Dachshunds shed?

Yes! Long-haired Dachshunds shedding is much more noticeable, but it doesn't occur all the time. Short-haired Dachshunds shed year-round, but you can't really tell. I'm not sure about wire-haired ones, though.

Spiritual meaning of long hair cat?

maybe a Long haired cat apposed to a short haired cat has more feminine energy or wisdom. When i think if a short haired cat i think of energy, personality, love/ protection. When i think of a long haired cat i think of wisdom, and submission to dominant energy good or bad. Long hair is yin, wise, calm, and week. Short hair is yang, strong, lively and aware. ~Dana Lang

Is there a difference between long haired and short haired hamsters?

If you have a short haired hamster you wouldn't have to deal with knots in the hair, a long haired hamster has long hair that you would have to brush everyday. I have a hamster with extremely long hair and i brush everyday. That what keeps knots out of the hair. It also makes it soft. DO NOT CUT ITS HAIR, unless it is used to your hand and will stay very still. If you have a short haired hamster you don't have to brush it as much. Use a soft tipped toothbrush when brushing the fur.

Is there such a thing as a dog breed that is a hot dog?

no but the dog breed that is called the hotdog is the daschund.

What would be the result of a short haired and long haired dachshund breeding together?

then depending on who is dominant you would get mostly the dominant breed and little of the other. probably in the second generation you would get more of the other.