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Helium is an inert gas and its orbit is completely filled with electrons.

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Q: Why are there no known compounds of Helium?
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What are the chemical properties of helium?

Helium is inert. There are no known compounds. It has no chemical properties.

What are the compounds for helium?

Helium does not form compounds.

What compound does helium exist in?

There are no known compounds of helium. Helium is a noble gas , it has a full valence shell with 2 electrons, (1s2).

What are common compounds for helium?

There are no common compounds of helium and probably are no compounds of helium at all, because helium is the least reactive of all elements.

What are the compounds formed by helium?

Helium does not form any compounds.

List the helium compounds?

helium doesnot form any compounds

What compounds does helium contain?

helium doesnot form any compounds

What kinda compounds that are met in nature helium?

helium does not from any compounds.

What are three examples of compounds that are formed by helium?

Helium doesnot form any compounds.

What compounds contain helium?

There are none. Helium does not form any compounds.

What are some chemical reactions of helium?

Helium is an inert gas; only some unstable compounds obtained in very special conditions are known now.

What are some uses of compounds that contain helium?

Helium is chemically inert and does not form any compounds