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According to The Bible, while Jesus was on Earth, he became a Jew. Since Jesus was Semitic and the Semitic people are considered Caucasian, he is considered to be of the white race. Although He no doubt had olive colored skin as many caucasians do, for instance the Spaniards, he would have been considered of the white race of people as all semitic people are.

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Q: Why are there so many white pictures of Jesus?
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It is a fact Jesus was a white man?

Revelation 1:14 His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. It says in the bible in revelation 1:14 Jesus's head was white, only white people have white heads, so yes Jesus was a white man. It is also possible that he is albino, with white hair, red eyes and white eyes, making albino people really, really awesome.