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Q: Why are they cutting down the trees that red pandas live in?
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Why are pandas dangerous?

Pandas are in danger because people are cutting down their forests where they live in and what they eat.

What homes do pandas live in?

pandas live in trees or in caves in the bamboo Forest

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because people cut down bamboo trees that they live on and are hunting them

What endangered species live in the rain forest?

people cutting down trees

What is destroying koalas habitat?

We are, actually. We are cutting down trees, which is where the koalas live.

Do pandas live in the tropical forest?

well yes but if people dont help and stop cutting them down they WOUNT

Why are humans a problem for giant pandas?

Well, the pandas that don't live in zoos or sanctuaries live in rainforests. Pandas eat the bamboo in these forests. People are cutting down bamboo trees to make land for farms, ranches,homes, etc. So, pandas are getting less and less bamboo to eat.

Do giant pandas climb trees?

Yes giant pandas live in a tree and in caves

Why are rainforests endangered?

The reason Rainforest are endangered is because people are cutting down trees and are making it so animals have no where to live.

What impact do humans have on lemurs?

People cut down the trees that lemurs live in, leaving the lemurs homeless

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Because man is cutting down the trees that they live in then they have no where to live and there food supply goes down them the go

You are doing a project on giant pandas what should you get for the habit?

Pandas live in trees and eat leaves. Put plenty of trees in your habitat.